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7 results found.
The book of Job is a parody
Sometimes I picture its author looking down at us and shaking his head.
by Kathryn Lopez
It is as if every person who asks why bad things happen to good people takes a potsherd and starts scraping.
by Jesper Svartvik
On grief, and not theologizing about it
My son’s death did not evoke in me an interest in the problem of suffering.
by Nicholas Wolterstorff
Prayer isn’t our work, it’s God’s
I mostly agree with Jeffrey Weiss about prayer. I think St. Paul would too.
by Jason Micheli
My friends are praying for me. Does God care?
God’s response to Job is cold comfort when you have terminal cancer.
by Jeffrey Weiss
Like Dmitri Karamazov, Robert Mapplethorpe knows that the beautiful is a battleground—and he's happy to play on the devil's side.
by Adam Hearlson
by Brian Doyle