Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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“Seventy-eight percent of all clergy are either overweight (48 percent) or obese (30 percent).” —Pulpit & Pew Research Pr...
Few things are more humbling for a professor than to hear your classroom assertions parroted back to you....
To: John
From: Harold Sniveling, Acquisitions Editor
Re: Your submission
Barbara Blodgett, director of supervised ministries at Yale Divinity School, has written what may be the best book yet on the cruc...
Bart Ehrman has written another book that is probably destined to be a best seller....
If there is one idea that unites Jim Wallis and Pat Robertson, it is the idea that voting is a good idea....
Shortly after the attacks of September 11, President Bush declared that the perpetrators had “violated the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith...
I was a freshly minted product of seminary, plopped down by the bishop into a forlorn little church in rural Georgia. During my first sermons, my congregation stared at me impassively.
...This is a book I should not have liked. It’s a story of a lonely Catholic priest trapped in a bleak little parish in a nowhere Scottish town....
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