Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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7 results found.
A Job who’s read Job
Poet Michael Shewmaker imagines a suffering Christian in Kilgore, Texas, with three unhelpful friends.
The book of Job is a parody
Sometimes I picture its author looking down at us and shaking his head.
by Kathryn Lopez
He yearns to be able to lay his case before God.
by Jesper Svartvik
Prayer isn’t our work, it’s God’s
I mostly agree with Jeffrey Weiss about prayer. I think St. Paul would too.
by Jason Micheli
My friends are praying for me. Does God care?
God’s response to Job is cold comfort when you have terminal cancer.
by Jeffrey Weiss
by Warren L. Molton
Some years ago, a small group in our church watched the award-winning documentary The Fog of War, in which former secretary of defense Robert McNamara talks about his life, especially the Vietnam War.
By Kyle Childress