How White Christians turned syncretism into an insult
Christian peacemaking and the role of forgiveness
The good White Christian women of Nazi Germany
Why I’ve come back around to substitutionary atonement
The righteousness of the prude and the righteousness of the lover
The theological work of antiracism needs to include lament
What Native American political systems can teach us about power and truth telling
Immigration law and the politics of disgust
Billy Graham and Barack Obama each offered a pastoral voice in a time of tragedy
What we lost when the funeral home replaced the home funeral
Why do Christians protest?
It’s 1933, and Franklin Graham is German theologian Paul Althaus
White supremacy is a script we’re given at birth
The shape of liturgy when everything is changing
Virtual worship has become the people’s work
In declaring whose lives matter, Martin Luther failed his own idolatry test
Why there is no quest for the historical Mr. Rogers
What it means to be a body in Hong Kong
The additional violence of George Floyd’s autopsy report
Social distancing lessons from the anchoresses