Christians have struggled to understand Judaism on its own terms
The struggle to live in unity when everything’s divided
Willie Jennings’s plea to create a new kind of theologian
Douglas Ottati’s liberal piety
N. T. Wright and Walter Brueggemann look to the Bible for wisdom during the pandemic
White supremacy is a script we’re given at birth
The law in our lives
Separated from one another—yet still in harmony
The shape of liturgy when everything is changing
Brought to life by Christ
Virtual worship has become the people’s work
How Killer Mike helped me rethink the work of Christian activism
Messianic protest against the School of the Americas
The practical wisdom that comes from a pandemic
In declaring whose lives matter, Martin Luther failed his own idolatry test
What does it mean to worship an all-powerful God?
The pandemic calls for closed hymnals
What Christian hope looks like during a pandemic