Episode 87: Groundhog Day

OK, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties cause it's coooooold outside. It's time to talk about growth, pain, and the classic film Groundhog Day. This week, Adam and Matt are joined by frequent guest Steve Bragaw to discuss the theological and ministerial themes of Groundhog Day. In the first segment, the conversation centers on questions of grace, pandemic life, truth, and growth. Is Phil Connors sanctified by the end? Where does grace come into play here? In the second segment, the group looks at the lectionary passages for March 14, the Third Sunday in Lent, and discusses how they connect with Groundhog Day. Finally, in the final segment, Matt talks TV and Adam longs for a trip to the sea. Listen, I got you, babe, it's time for Sunday Morning Matinee.