Episode 89: Skyfall

As Easter Sunday approaches, Matt and Adam talk about violence, resurrection, and the 2012 James Bond film Skyfall. In the first segment, the two discuss the many iterations of Bond and whether the character and genre have any lasting significance. In the second segment, the conversation centers on James Bond and Resurrection Sunday. Does Bond have anything new to add to our Easter theologies? Finally, Adam talks about Holy Week poetry and Matt considers the art world.
Kelsey McKinney, "The Art World Has Bigger Enemies than Forgers"
Holy Week Poetry Recommendations from Adam:
My Thankfull Heart with Glorying Tongue, Anne Bradstreet
Good Friday, Christina Rosetti
The Donkey, GK Chesterton
This Bread I Break, Dylan Thomas
The Ballad of Mary’s Son, Langston Hughes
Simon the Cyrene, Countee Cullen
And a Good Friday Was Had by All, Bruce Dawe
On Belief in the Physical Resurrection of Jesus, Denise Levertov