Episode 93: The Goonies

After a long hiatus, Matt and Adam are back to talk movies, ministry, and the church.
This week they welcome Century editor Amy Frykholm to the show. Amy has just published the book Wild Woman: A Footnote, The Desert and My Quest for an Elusive Saint. Given that Amy went on a quest to write the book, what better movie to discuss than Richard Donner's 1985 suburban quest fantasy The Goonies? In the first segment, the conversation swirls around the makings of a quest and why we are drawn to them. In the second segment, the conversation turns to the lectionary passages for October 31 as the group discusses Ruth, the greatest commandments, and the Shema. Finally, Matt endorses some Broadway and Adam wonders about the church of the early 2000s.
Friends, up there, it is their time. But down here, it is our time. So let us follow in the footsteps of Chester Coppperpot and search for hidden treasure. It's time for Sunday Morning Matinee.