Melissa Florer-Bixler
What hope looks like to one Palestinian
Akram al-Waara sits in a refugee camp and makes art—out of tear gas canisters.
Samuel Wells
Understanding our dependencies
Our cost of living is about far more than the price of essential goods.
Rachel Mann
The Christian God is a queer God
I cannot begin to imagine anything queerer than the doctrine of the Trinity.
Philip Jenkins
When the Four Horsemen ride again
Climate change will have religious consequences, especially in the Global South.
Philip Jenkins
The priest behind the screen
Oddly enough, some of the best TV shows about clergy come from secular Europe.
Alejandra Oliva
The Night Pastor
I recently came across a record by 1960s Episcopal priest and jazz musician Robert Owen.
Jonathan Tran
Looking to heaven without looking past earth
In the Christian imagination, the two rightly go together.
Melissa Florer-Bixler
A church made of dust
After each service, I sweep up the dirt, specks of plastic, and tendrils of hair.
Yolanda Pierce
Failing and falling
At a workshop, I was asked to list my failures. The experience has stayed with me.
Brian Bantum
The way to change history is to live out your story
When seismic shifts unseat us, it’s the ordinary that puts us back together again.
Isaac S. Villegas
After my friend’s suicide, my theology was in shock
I’ve been offering my tangled knots of questions and memories as prayers.
Julian DeShazier
Who we can hear
Local leaders sometimes convene to try to stop the violence in Chicago. But whose voices are at the table?
Heidi Neumark
A church undergoes structural change
The ELCA is about to gather for a national assembly. There are friends trying to dig through the roof to open a way for those who have been left out.