In Search of Interspiritual Truth: An Interview with John Thatamanil (S2:E8)
“If I’m truly, as a Christian, to affirm that core affirmation that God so loved the world, then divine disclosure must be happening far beyond the boundaries of the Christian tradition.”

Welcome to In Search Of, a podcast where we go in search of voices and perspectives that inform and expand a life of faith. In this episode, John Thatamanil tells Amy about his interfaith work and identity in a conversation that covers everything from capitalism to philosophy to the definition of religion. Why is “syncretism” a bad word? Why is it okay to be a capitalist Christian, but not a Buddhist Christian? How can we embrace religious diversity instead of fearing it? Explore these questions and more on this episode of In Search Of. A transcript of this episode can be found here.
John Thatamanil is a professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York, where he teaches classes in comparative theology, religious diversity, Hindu-Christian dialogue, the theology of Paul Tillich, theory of religion, process theology, and ecotheology. He’s the author of Circling the Elephant: A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity and is working on a book provisionally entitled, Desiring Truth: Comparative Theology and the Quest for Interreligious Wisdom.
- Stephen Colbert: “‘Post-Truth’ Is Just A Rip-Off Of ‘Truthiness’”
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