19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C, RCL)
41 results found.
Holy attachments
During the pandemic, I went six months without touching another human being. I felt starved.
Extravagant consumption
For Jesus, the inverse of scarcity isn’t abundance—it’s accumulation.
The prophet’s palette (Isaiah 1:1, 10-20)
Why in the world would Isaiah use the image of snow as a sign of life with God?
by Paul Lutter
August 7, Ordinary 19C (Luke 12:32-40)
In the shadow of uncertainty, fear and hope look similar.
by Paul Lutter
“Dad, why does Deuteronomy 20 talk about killing the boys and girls?”
My daughter wants to know. Even as a biblical scholar, I don’t have a good answer.
How faith-based organizing helped end money bail in Illinois
The Bible provided some healthy agitation as we built coalitions to literally set the captives free.
by Charles Straight and Will Tanzman
Changed by something radically other (Luke 12:32-40)
Can we allow Jesus’ metaphors into our imagination?
by Hardy Kim
August 11, Ordinary 19C (Luke 12:32-40)
Jesus is the thief, and the powers of this world own the house in which we’re waiting.
by Hardy Kim
Abraham broke the law, crossing borders and trafficking his wife
Why do we forgive him so much more easily than migrants today?
The substance of that hopey-changey thing
Famously, Obama's term was originally premised on hope. Just as famously, his own faith has been mocked and doubted. I wonder how much of each he has left?
America's ownership of God
A few years ago, our church installed a new water cooler—not the kind with the clear jug on top but the kind that we used back in grade school. It's a rectangular prism that rises straight from the floor. When you press the circular silver button, water flows in a gentle arc so that you can lap the cooled water up into your mouth. (I had always called that a water fountain, but David, who helped us install it, taught me that a fountain is a landscape feature in your front yard.) We hadn't had a working water cooler at St. John's in a long time, and it was a welcomed addition.
August 7, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16; Genesis 15:1-6; Luke 12:32-40
Hope is the content of faith. Hope is the adopted son, the grafted inheritor. If there are to be, as with Abraham’s descendants, innumerable stars and grains of sands, it will be through this boy.
Faith on the edge: Writer Dennis Covington
"Belief is not the 'substance of things hoped for.' Faith is."
interview by Elizabeth Palmer
Chosen? by Walter Brueggemann
Are the people of 21st-century Israel the chosen ones of Genesis to whom Yahweh promised the land in eternal covenant? Walter Brueggemann gives a nuanced answer.
reviewed by J. Nelson Kraybill
One Abraham or three? The conversation between three faiths
Can "Abrahamic" replace "Judeo-Christian"? And without sacrificing the integrity of three different traditions?
Learning to give thanks
How is thankfulness engendered? By giving thanks in all circumstances.