Lending with grace: Breaking the cycle of payday loans
A hopeful universalism
Dark Shadows
Hard choices in Egypt: Will Christians vote for the old regime?
A foundation for relationships: Ministry in the 21st century
The end of impunity? The International Criminal Court issues a verdict: The International Criminal Court issues a verdict
Marvel’s The Avengers
Saint Sinatra and Other Poems, by Angela Alaimo O’Donnell
Angela O'Donnell's sassy poems are born of her deeply Catholic imagination. She builds a house of saints, canonized or not.
Flourishing Life, by Sandra M. Levy-Achtemeier
Apocalyptic visions
Elaine Pagels's book repeats a winning formula: contrast the canon's controversial parts with more appealing Gnostic selections.
The Better Angels of Our Nature, by Steven Pinker
Steven Pinker says human beings are becoming less violent. But his larger point seems to be that everyone should think like he does.
The World’s Christians, by Douglas Jacobsen
The term world Christianity has been widely used since the publication of Philip Jenkins’s 2002 best seller The Next Christendom, but in popular usage it has tended to refer only to Christianity in the Global South. Though courses on world Christianity have proliferated, no one until Douglas Jacobsen has taken the care to delineate the contours of the entire global movement.