Thunderous yes: Preaching to the Easter crowds
Laying one down: Baseball and sacrifice
Light without sight
Welcoming children with disabilities
Read the main article on a worship service with children of all abilities.
I have a child who has a disability. Here are a few ways that congregations can try to embrace families like mine.
Use person-first language. Labels can be helpful, but our children are people first: Tommy, who has autism, or David, who has epilepsy.
Joyful noises: A worship service with children of all abilities
Scriptures of the East
R. S. Sugirtharajah sees both sides of the mirror: Christian views of Asian faiths and the reciprocal gaze of Asian believers.
The Bonhoeffer Reader, edited by Clifford J. Green and Michael DeJonge
Peacework, by Henri Nouwen
Flesh Made Word, by Emily A. Holmes
A Prayer Journal, by Flannery O’Connor
Flannery O’Connor never wrote just for herself, God, and an elite group of peers. She was eager for an audience with ears to hear about grace.