Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Ezekiel in the Valley of Dry Bones, by Cody F. Miller
Can these bones live? The answer to this question posed to the prophet Ezekiel seems painfully obvious in such a macabre setting, depicted in this mixed media collage by Cody F....
“I Can’t Breathe,” by Carl Dixon
George Floyd’s dying words on a Minneapolis street have become a lament for the nation....
The Return of the Prodigal Son, by Marie Romero Cash
In our time of social distancing, this carved wood sculpture of the return of the prodigal son by Marie Romero Cash reminds us what it means to hold and to be held....
The Planters, by Hari Mitrushi
Planting seed is an act of faith in the future. The sower struggles with poor soil, meager rainfall, choking weeds, and predatory birds—with no guarantee of a plentiful harvest....
Jonah, by Lyuba Yatskiv
Few biblical narratives deal with separation from God and from others in so vivid a way as the story of Jonah in the belly of the great fish, depicted in this wood panel painting by Lyuba Yatskiv....
Christ and the Masks, by Paez Antonio
Votive objects, religious relics, timeworn crucifixes, and fragments of funerary sculptures appear frequently in the work of Paez Antonio....
The Last Supper, by Brian Whelan
How to depict the 12 disciples has long been a perplexing problem for illustrators of the Last Supper. Artistic convention established that Peter should be presented as a curly-haired senior....
Consider the Lilies, by Charalambos Epaminonda
Icons in the Byzantine style traditionally depict their subjects as fixed for all time in recognizable poses against symbolic backdrops....
In the Beginning Was the Word, by Sandra Bowden
Books, printed pages, lines of calligraphy, and single letters are raw materials for Massachusetts artist Sandra Bowden....
Exodus: Journeys of Liberation, by Carl Dixon
Carl Dixon, a self-taught artist from Mississippi, considers his mixed-media, sculpted wood paintings to be works of “testimony art,” sharing the great narratives of the Bible, significant moments ...
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