Monday lectionary email, archived here on Friday
Paul comes to the Corinthians as he is and ministers among them from God’s grace dwelling in his distinct and dented life.
Seeds do not grow without soil, and soil is a factor of place.
Learning to trust in God requires an act of will.
Jesus is in alignment with many rabbis when he asks, “Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the sabbath?”
Jesus’ response to Nicodemus takes the form of a mild rebuke.
How could it be better for Jesus to go away?
According to 1 John, we have received more than mere mortal attestation.
Is there anything more embarrassing than believing in a three-story universe?
The psalmist is bossy: “Sing to the Lord a new song.”
Fruitful ministry becomes sustainable when it is shared, person to person and generation to generation.
Third group
This familiar text takes on new dimensions when read in tandem with this week’s epistle and gospel texts.
The idea that God loves us seems so simple.
Maybe Easter is about not theory but practice.
Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem is full of confrontation.
This is a fearful time, especially for those who are being targeted by some of the currents of our cultural wars.
What has always interested me about the John 3:16 signs is the singular focus.
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