Black, queer, and Christian
“None of the historically Black denominations affirm LGBTQ folk,” says Pride in the Pews founder Don Abram. “Zero out of eight!”

Don Abram, founder and executive director of Pride in the Pews (courtesy photo)
Don Abram is the founder and executive director of Pride in the Pews, an organization that works toward LGBTQ inclusion in the Black church. The Black church was central to Abram’s upbringing in Chicago, and he argues that the well-being of Black queer individuals is heavily dependent on the Black church’s affirmation of LGBTQ identities.
What is Pride in the Pews, and why is it needed?
Approximately 850,000 adults in the United States identify as Black, LGBTQ, and religious. There’s no way to ensure that these folk are thriving in every area of life without considering the role of religion, and specifically the Black church. Scholars tend to associate the Black church with eight historically Black denominations, including the National Baptist Convention, the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Church of God in Christ, and others. None of those denominations are affirming of LGBTQ folk. Zero out of eight!
Now, some people might ask, Why should I care? Why is this an issue that matters to me?